Wait … you mean I only need 7 minutes???

July 4, 2013 at 4:08 pm (Personal Growth, Uncategorized) ()

I’m not a fan of exercise. I can’t say it reduces my stress because all I think of while I’m crunching or lunging is whatever else I could be doing with that time. It’s a bitter pill for me to swallow, and I admit, I miss my daily doses regularly.

Now a paper’s been published in the American College of Sports Medicine’s Health and Fitness Journal, stating what a couple of coaches at the Human Performance Institute have found (through research): that a very specific order of exercises may allow folks (like me?) to shorten their exercise time.

“To address the limitations of traditional exercise protocols and provide an effective and efficient program for our clients, one of the exercise strategies we use is high-intensity circuit training (HICT) using body weight as resistance. Our approach combines aerobic and resistance training into a single exercise bout lasting approximately 7 minutes. Participants can repeat the 7-minute bout 2 to 3 times, depending on the amount of time they have. As body weight provides the only form of resistance, the program can be done anywhere.

HICT is not a new concept, but it is growing in popularity because of its efficiency and practicality for a time-constrained society. The combination of aerobic and resistance training in a high-intensity, limited-rest design can deliver numerous health benefits in much less time than traditional programs (5, 9, 10, 16, 18). When body weight is used as resistance, it eliminates the limiting factors of access to equipment and facilities.”

Don’t take my word for it. Read for yourself. And there are PICTURES OF THE EXERCISES!! They’re common, simple and relatively easy:.


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Yup, I think this is part of my problem …

July 4, 2013 at 3:53 pm (Personal Growth, Uncategorized) ()

– the Entrepreneur’s curse … totally see myself there – but more on the frustrated side of things.

This article has some great advice on living with this particularly annoying (to others, not me) curse:


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